Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Luckiest lady!

Hello Y'all!

So this week has been full of greatness~

My girls, Jo and Mams arrived Thursday afternoon. We had an amazing time together. It was beyond great to see, spend time and talk with them. Phil kept them entertained with his impressions of me.....jerk haha!

We went to Columbus and drank a lot of booze, got in a little tussle with some asshole guys (they were fuckers!. No one got hurt. I may have gone a little Anthony Mundine (According to Jo lol) on their asses). Rando spoiled me. Gotta love that awesome lady!

The house situation is working out really well! The owners came back and said they would drop the house price to the appraisal amount....whooooooop! We are responsible for the Randon Mitigation...its only $1,000, so nothing terrible. Our closing date is tentatively set for the 23rd of September.

The rental property is driving us crazy. We are waiting on our landlords to pick someone. We REALLY REALLY don't want to have to pay rent on this when we are in our new house.

Wheat Penny is going really good. I really like working there. URS is URS, same old, same old!

I got my immunizations yesterday. My arm is incredibly sore and I can't move my shoulder. Had to take the day off work. I am going to the doctor today. Hopefully she can do something to help.

I am really excited for my sister. Go Jess! Crossing fingers all goes well with the baby making xx

P.s. Phil is getting me a kitten for Christmas!!!!!!!

Love to you all

Sunday, September 8, 2013

One couple, two houses!

This week has been full of work, sad times and to say, WHAT A WEEK!

Let's start at the beginning and work our way through~

We received some very sad news of the passing of a lovely woman, and mother of one of our closest friends. We attended the funeral and viewing Friday and Saturday. 
It was extremely sad seeing our friend Thad grieve. It brought back a lot of memories about dad. 
Throughout the day I tried my best to make his day easier, though i felt helpless as many others must have felt around my family when dad passed. I felt so grateful to have dad in my life and beyond blessed to have my mother still. I missed her so much yesterday. I just wanted to hug her till she popped. Lucky Phil was all for that hahaha

Work has been crazy pants for the Peej and I. He is starting trial prep (starts in two weeks) and I have been slogging it away at both jobs.  My main job is kinda driving me crazy. The managerial side is feeling pretty rough right now but when I enter my room and spend time with my kids I feel a lot better. I have been teaching them a lot of signs, I am loving seeing them sign to each other!
This really started snowballing after I read about Koko the gorilla. I was feeling pretty inspired by the power of sign and started collecting resources on baby ASL. One of my babies signed bottle to me Thursday when he was hungry......I WAS SO EXCITED!!!!!
Here is the link if you don't know much about Koko .

Jo and Mams arrive Thursday afternoon. I am really excited and a little nervous. I hope they like my PJ and have fun. It is always a little nerve-wracking when people you care about come to see your new home/life. I am real lucky and have scored myself Thursday night through Sunday night off both jobs. Let the good times roll!!!!

Onto the house saga-

Well we had the final inspection and appraisal. The house inspected really well, though unfortunately it has high levels of Radon gas (which is really not good). This isn't a deal breaker, but means our sellers need to get a mitigation system put in. It is a health and safety issue. The estimate gets completed Wednesday.
We should hopefully find out the apprasal price Wednesday. I am hoping that is appraises for much more!!!!
The loan is being underwritten now and closing should be in two to three weeks. Here is the link if the house for those who want to take a peek again or for the first time.

The rental we have right now is driving me nuts. I really need my landlords to pull thr trigger on somebody so we know that we can move out on or before the 1st of October. I am unsure why they are dragging their feet. 

It was my AMAZING mumma's 60th birthday this week. I really felt sad that i wasn't there for it, though I got to skype with the family which was WONDERFUL! I am so excited to have mum, nay, tony and the munchkins here in just 3ish months. 

Phil is teaching me chess. It is very strategic. I have downloaded apps to practice. I am determined to beat him!

So I think that is about it. Love to you all!
